Vladimir Britvin with Academician of RAS Nikolay P. Aleshin and deputy director of FGAU NUC “Svarka I control (Welding and testing)” (established in Bauman Moscow State University) Mikhail V. Grigoriev have wrote a conference paper “An automated control quality of polymeric and composite materials during their production and use” which contains information about ultrasonic testing of carbon fiber composite and fiberglass.
Also, together with scientists of the Department of Electrical Acoustics and Ultrasonic Engineering of the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" Konstantin E. Abbakumov and Maria Y. Pushilina has been written a conference paper “Surface-wave propagation in finely-layered inhomogeneous elastic media”.
“Ultrasonic testing of metals and prospective materials (UZDM)” conference is the well-known event for Russian and foreign experts on NDT for discussion of concepts, technical and hardware solutions in the field of ultrasonic testing. Scientific experts and professionals from universities, research institutes and manufacturing companies from Russia and foreign countries have been taking part in the conference.
Hosts of the conference are:
- Bridges and Non-Destructive Testing Scientific and Research Institute;
- Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University;
- Department of the Non-Destructive Testing of Condensed-Matter Physics Research Council of The Russian Academy of Sciences;
- The Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics;
- National Weld Inspection Agency;
- Railway Engineering Manufactures Association.
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